Saturday, April 4, 2009

oh boy

well, here it is april...and no showers to spring may flowers. but i guess we're suppose to get a big storm coming in tomorrow night that's going to last a few days. we definitely need it to fill that puddle we call shasts lake.

but onto other depressing news....

i have had to put my exercising on hold. UGH just when i was ready to get going and now i have a set back. so this is what's happening, everytime i went to exercise, my knees would bug me, as they pretty much always have, but now it's different. at first i thought it was just because it was knees adjusting to the pressure. i don't know. i can walk just fine, but anytime i go to put direct pressure onto my knees, it's a killer! it's hard to walk steps, get up out of a chair and just do mainly any normal stuff. so now i have an appointment with an orthopedic in the beginning of may to find out what the hell is going wrong.

so i guess until then, p90x is going to be out of the question, but i am going to try to keep on daily walks and exercise as much as possible. until we meet again...

1 comment:

  1. Hey sweet sister of mine! I finally found your blog again, but this time there's a link on my blog. I need to know what's new with you, plus I always love new pictures for the boys!
