Saturday, March 21, 2009

in a rut

so it's been awhile since i've has been crazy! we've had to do a bunch of cut backs due to our low census and in doing that, i've had my work load tripled. but hey, it's still a job right? i got rid of darla. she was adorable and great to have, but i hated having her locked up at work. she needed to be able to run during the day and just be a dog. so, jill an am pca, has her now and i hear she is doing great. and instead of chewing up my stuff, now it's hers lol. i've been doing my exercising, not everyday, but i've been trying to keep up on it. i haven't had that motivation lately...i need to get it back fast. which brings me to my rut....

i have been thinking a lot lately about what it is that i really want, and i can't think of what it is. do i want to move? get a different job? go back to school and for what? there's so many questions going through my head and i don't know what direction i want to go in. i've been craving to move back to washington because i miss my family deeply and i feel like i'm missing out on my little sis growing up and being my nephew's aunt. but there's a part of me that still wants to stay around here to help with the winery and the friends that i've made. i've never really stayed in one place very long, and now i'm going on 3 years in redding with the same job even. i know, 3 years big woop, but that seems like a long time for me.

so maybe when i head up to washington next month for a visit it will help clarify what it is that i want. or make it harder. ugh! well, that's me for now...

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