So it's been a few days, but I've been a bit busy. Finished my first week of school and i've got quite a bit of reading to do. My intro to business course is pretty interesting because the teacher doesn't mind stating his views on the economy, which just so happens to be most of what I see as well. My intro to financial accounting is going to be a bit different though. The teacher is a complete goon and I'm not really sure I'm liking his method of teachings. My history of world religions is going to be very interesting. Granted it's from 7:00 - 9:50 on Thursday night, when I've been up since 4:00 in the morning to go to work. The teacher is pretty fun and enlightning and I didn't even realize the class had gone by so quickly.
Only bummer thing about school right now is that I'm trying to do my first quiz online but the website won't even register the fact that I'm registered. AH-nnoying!!
So with waking up around 4:30 every morning and not getting home until at least 8:30 - 9:00 everynight Monday-Thursday, how do I get my workouts in? That's right, I'm doing them late at night with Thursday being my off day (up at 4:00, home at 11:00 - not much time to workout). But so far, it's going very well. I just did Chest, Shoulders & Triceps yesterday and I think it might be one of my new favorites. I felt EVERY single workout and I was modifying, but I like it when I feel the burn and know that I am going to progress :)
So today will be Cardio X, not too excited because it's got yoga in it - I am not a fan of yoga. Ugh, but I will definitely get in and do it! Because that's what a P90X addict does!!! lol
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